Skin Starter Pack


Skin Starter Pack.

  5 of our top selling products that are more orientated for transdermal use for the whole body.

A Great introduction to the Miracle II range.


SKU: SKINSTART Category: Tags: ,

5 of our top selling products that are more orientated for transdermal use for the whole body.

You will receive:

  • 1 x Miracle II Regular Soap (650ml)
  • 1 x Miracle II Neutraliser Gel (240ml)
  • 1 x Miracle II Skin Moisturiser (240ml)
  • 1 x 450ml Foaming Bottle
  • 1 x Miracle II Deodorant Stone

Great introduction to the Miracle II products!

Note: If you have dry skin and would prefer our Miracle II Moisturising Soap instead of Regular Soap, please select the “Moisturising Soap” option when adding to cart.

Weight 3 kg

Store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight.


All our Miracle II products are new and come in the original manufacturers packaging. We do not re-package or alter the product in anyway. Our products are manufactured by Miracle II LLC in the USA.

Soap Type

Regular Soap, Moisturising Soap

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